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Manuli FSL JP24A05 Equivalent Firesleeve - SAE AS1072E Aerospace/Aviation Grade

Allows qualified hose assemblies to pass AS1055D

500°F / 260°C Continuous Exposure;  2200°F / 1205°C Excursions;  3000°F / 1650°C Peak Short Term Exposure

Manuli FSL equivalent aviation / aerospace grade high temperature, heat, flame and pyro resistant firesleeve jacket  is manufactured to SAE AS1072E standards so it can pass the fire testing standards of AS1055D; and the requirements of FAA TSO - C53a and TSO - C75.

It may be used for all fuel, oil, hydraulic, fire extinguisher and prop feathering lines. "Fire-proof" hose lines, as defined by the FAA, must withstand a direct flame for fifteen minutes under specified flow conditions without failure. Fire-resistant lines must withstand a 5 minute exposure under these conditions.

Fire-proof hose lines are obtained when the proper size Firesleeve is selected and properly assembled with appropriate clamps.

Standard colors are oxide-red and black - other popular colors are silver-grey, blue, yellow and green.  Available in sizes ranging from 0.25" Inside Diameter through 5" I.D. in 25 size steps.

Part Numbers (with SAE marking):

JP24A05013I099, JP24A05016I099, JP24A05019I099, JP24A05022I099, JP24A05025I099, JP24A05032I099, JP24A05038I099, JP24A05045I099, JP24A05051I099, JP24A05064I099, JP24A05076I099.  
Extended part numbers:
JP24A05006I099, JP24A05008I099, JP24A05010I099, JP24A05011I099, JP24A05014I099, JP24A05018I099, JP24A05029I099, JP24A05035I099, JP24A05040I099, JP24A05041I099, JP24A05048I099, JP24A05057I099, JP24A05067I099, JP24A05070I099, JP24A05073I099, JP24A05052I099, JP24A05056I099, JP24A05060I099, JP24A05064I099,

Manuli FSL firesleeve
SAE AS1072 Aviation Firesleeve Hose Protection
AB Technology Group
431 State Street, Box 1491, Ogdensburg, NY 13669
116 Albert Street - Suite 300, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3
Phone Contact
Tel: (610) 906-3549
Fax: (610) 697-8592
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