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Firesleeve On-line Store

NEW WEBSITE:  Please place orders on our new on-line store (tablet & mobile responsive) which features the same products but with live & accurate discounted shipping rates (UPS & Fedex).  Payments by credit card and paypal (Visa, Mastercard and Amex).

If you encounter any problems please call 610-906-3549 (then press 1).  We closely monitor orders for shipping costs to ensure the best discounts are being applied with our high volume shipping accounts.

Click this link to go to the new site:
AB Technology Group
431 State Street, Box 1491, Ogdensburg, NY 13669
116 Albert Street - Suite 300, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3
Phone Contact
Tel: (610) 906-3549
Fax: (610) 697-8592
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